] Corporate due diligence, internal and external operatives - Detective agency in Chennai 98843 30007


Private Investigators


Corporate Due Diligence Internal & External Operatives

Our Prime Motto Is Dedicate Service to
our customer

To probe prospective interlocutors, companies and their directors and staff.  Before engaging with unknown business contacts and committing your company to an untried relationship you will want to check company records, location(s), size, performance and activities.

007 Detectives,Private Investigators India provide the background to companies and their directors so you can make informed decisions.

Pre-Employment Interviews

It is one thing to check the facts, what of the person? We offer to interview subjects to give you a personal insight into who you are dealing with. This service is based on 28 years experience of interviewing a wide variety of people from around the india.

Litigation Checks

If you are engaged in a legal action or are contemplating such you will want to know about your adversary’s job, wealth, or lack of it, his financial status, reputation and personal and business interests.   Do they have weaknesses?  Are they vulnerable?  Is there extraneous information which may help your case? 

  • Neatness and order of the establishment.
  • Product presentation
  • Intervention of client complaints
  • Geniality and courtesy of employees while attending clients
  • Surveillance of employees customer service habits
  • Collections theft
  • Observation and control of clients and employees
  • Irregularities in the contracting and procurement of merchandise (inventory)
  • Claims, losses and misconduct of all kinds, etc
  • Distribution of drugs & alcohol
  • Night shift activity (internal theft)
  • Shipping irregularities


OUR investigation agents use high tech surveillance equipment including ‘night vision’ camera equipment, long range lenses and when necessary body wore hidden video and audio surveillance equipment.

  • Concealed Camera Installations
  • Information leaks
  • Expense Report Abuse
  • Salesman surveillance in the field
  • Pre-employment background checks
  • Corporate Research
  • Investigation of slander and character defamation

Online Support or Call Us

We are professional

You may feel awkward about asking us to investigate something for you because the matter may be personal or sensitive. Don’t worry, everything you tell us is in total confidence and nothing will embarrass us. We will remain professional at all times and would never judge you in anyway or divulge what we’ve been told to any third parties.

Call +91-9884055044

Contact Us

New 41/1,Old 20/1 Kamaraj Avenue 2nd street,
Tamil Nadu, INDIA. 600 020.
Mobile: +91-98843 30007
Help Line 24 hours
Telephone: +91-044-24419374,


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