Private Investigators


Asset and Property Investigation

Our Prime Motto Is Dedicate Service to
our customer

Pre-house purchase checks: 

Moving to a new area? Not sure about the location? Let us carry out detailed property appraisals before exchange of contracts. We will ask all the awkward questions for you, assessing the area for its pro’s and con’s so that you don’t become embarrassed later on by discoveries made too late. Avoid the neighbours from hell!

We can locate the assets of individuals or business around the India, even if there are hidden in the India’s most secure domiciles. we can find the required details and provide a report outlining their location and value. Both liquid and physical assets can be found and an overall picture can be built up of the targets wealth and standing.  Chennai india Criminal Record and Background Investigations

Legal Advices
If you need legal advice, a help of a lawyer, then write us the matter of your problem and we will try to help yoa

Online Support or Call Us

We are professional

You may feel awkward about asking us to investigate something for you because the matter may be personal or sensitive. Don’t worry, everything you tell us is in total confidence and nothing will embarrass us. We will remain professional at all times and would never judge you in anyway or divulge what we’ve been told to any third parties.

Call +91-9884055044

Contact Us

New 41/1,Old 20/1 Kamaraj Avenue 2nd street,
Tamil Nadu, INDIA. 600 020.
Mobile: +91-98843 30007
Help Line 24 hours
Telephone: +91-044-24419374,


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